As a glorious volunteer of Center Hospital Dandong, I solemnly promise:
(1) Adhering to "dedication, friendship, cooperation and progress ”, the idea and the moral benevolence and arts of Center Hospital Medical spirit , volunteer to provide free services for patients;
(2) Comply with the rules and regulations of the hospital, the provisions of Ordinance of Dandong central hospital volunteers ,strive to provide quality services to the patients;
(3) Ensure 2-hour volunteer time at least each month;
(4) Guarantee to offer services in the specified time and place, preadvise to the duty member of Hospital Volunteers Management Committee if there is any change;
(5) Strictly keep the secrets of the personal information of the patients;
(6) Strictly keep the secrets of the internal information of the hospital , which can’t be disclosed to others without the permission of the related personnel.
(7)Never be engaged in the outside activities, especially the profit-making activities or other activities contrary to public morality as a volunteer of Central Hospital Dandong , without authorization of Central Hospital Dandong.
(8) Be dedicated to the duty , maintain the attitude of mutual cooperation and respect, unite and cooperate, make continuous efforts to provide quality services jointly.
If I break the rules above , the institutions has right to make the appropriate punishment or terminate my service.
Volunteer signature:
Date of signature:
Volunteer Affairs Department , Central Hospital Dandong